Found this cool idea on Art Attack. It's filed under 3D Sculptures. Unfortunately the kids used the "dreaded" word "ugly" a lot during this project, but I still think it was worth the effort. There were a few of them that the students wanted to take home, but most ended up in the trash. Tsk, tsk....
Directions: (Acquire LOTS of boxes!)
1. Disfigure large box, then tape corners of other boxes on it for facial features.
2. Add torn paper and watered down glue to entire outside of sculpture, and let dry.
3. Outline cubism areas and paint.
4. Add features w/ paint or markers.
5. Add black lines to emphasize the cubism.
This one is awesome! This student really gets cubism, eh?

Here is a "Picasso Duck" on one side and "Picasso Monkey" on the other. Very cute, and it went home with its lovely creator!
"Picasso Nature"
Thanks No. Co. Christian High School students.
I think these are TERRIFIC!!
Love your Picasso sculptures! Head on over to my blog, sharpiewoman.blogspot.com, and check out the one's my 5th graders made using the same lesson from Art Attack. Isn't that guy's website amazing?
I've seen this lesson on Art Attack - yours look cool! My students don't get Cubism either. They think Picasso's work is ugly also :(
I really like this idea...
These are so great!
These are Amazing! Awesome work! This could be transferred to even HS Art!
WOW! Those are amazing! You work with some really talented kids. I just love this project! Thanks so much for sharing the how-to, I'll be linking.
I was just looking at the Art Attack website last night and found that project. I am trying to find something unique for my 3-d camp to do. I am glad to see other art teachers have tried the lesson. Thanks for sharing!
I just started doing a 3D Picasso project with my students! We are making cubist guitars. I'm going out on a limb a bit and trying something new. Hopefully my students will be successful :) check on my blog to see how it goes! thanks for sharing.
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