Thanks to Linda Welling, Artsonia Teacher, for posting her students Log Cabin pictures!
I decided to do this lesson and it was cold and gray outside. Then the following week, when we actually did the lesson, it was back to 78 degress, typical California weather. Oh well, the kids had fun pretending it was wintery weather!
Step 1: We drew triangle stacks for evergreen tree outlines.
Step 2: We added thick green "hula skirts" on the bottom of each triangle on each tree.
Step 3: We colored in the tops of the triangles.
Step 4: We drew a simple cabin and some students had time to color.
Step 5: We painted on the snow, with our Fingers! We used tempera paint. (Hint tell students to use the lightest touch possible when adding the snow. They don't want to end up with "fingerprints" on the trees, just bits of snow here and there.)
Big Thanks to Flamson Middle School Students!!!!