Here are some more magazine animals. We started with pattern of cat parts, then glued magazine pages to the parts. Then cut them out and glued onto background paper, and lastly outlined with marker. For more info. on this type of lesson, see
Magazine Elephants here.

Those are so neat! Thanks for posting.
Can I make a suggestion? I know this is a sensitive issue, but I'm about to get philosophical. As an art teacher, I'm not a fan of tracers (let the classroom teachers use these). Instead I like to enable/empower kids to do the drawing.
So - instead of providing a tracer, you could have the kids make their own by providing tagboard cut to appropriate sizes for the pattern parts. For example: for the cat body, make a meatloaf that touches each side of the tagboard I'm providing. For the face, cut away the corners of the square i've given you to, make a circle; for the ears you need triangles; for the nose etc you need an upside down heart with the point rounded out, etc. Then the cats (or elephants or pigs or whatever the animal)are truly individual, and the child is able to draw the animal on his own by remembering the steps you've given.
If I've offended, please forgive me, but I'm a believer that if we say they can't do it, they won't, but if we say they CAN, they will! Kids will rise to the level of your expectations!!!
Thanks Phyl, I totally agree with you:) Kids are capable! Your ideas are great ones.
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