Picasso had a thing for guitars, as some of his "guitar art" below illustrates.

Kids have a thing for guitars too!
Here's a lesson where the students draw a guitar, draw intersecting lines, then color the spaces. Simple lesson, but always fun and colorful.
Special thanks to Mr. Lang, via Mr. Tedone, for sharing this lesson idea.
Start with a dot in the center of the page, to help students position their drawing.
Draw one horizontal oval below the dot. Draw lightly because these ovals will be erased later.
Draw a second oval below the first. Make it wider than the first one.
Draw the body of the guitar, using the ovals to guide your shape.
Erase both ovals.

Draw circle for hole in the guitar.
I just discovered your blog.
Beautiful art work.
The students did an excellent job understanding Picasso's cubism.
I did a similar collage project.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much for sharing.
Yesterday i gave it to my 8 year old group & they were enjoying it :)
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