Saturday, September 10, 2011

1st Grade Lines, Shape, Primary Colors

.Good Golly, I haven't posted since July 15th....hope I remember how to do this.

New year and new schedule for me.  For the past seven years I've been bouncing around as an Artist-In-Residence (or Art Docent, different schools used different titles) at many different schools and grades throughout the school year.  No two years in a row have been the same.  My contracts would often overlap one another, but I made sure to rarely book myself at two schools on the same day.  One year I had 6 contracts overlapping for a 2.5 month stretch.  That meant juggling the grades and schedules of 6 different schools, going to a different one everyday.  It was too much, the art lessons were great, but everything else wasn't.  I was putting the milk in the cupboard, losing my keys, wearing one black & one brown sock, etc. 
This year I'm at one school with a classroom that I share with a Math teacher and Journalism teacher who both graciously let me takeover the walls and room w/ my art stuff.  I teach 2 high school beginning art classes, and 7 elementary classes.  It's very part-time, technically only 2.5 hours/day, but you know how that goes.  It's 2.5 hours with kids and a whole lotta time with materials, the computer, the copy machine, the bulletin boards, the other teachers for discussing students, and of course my best friend the paper cutter.
Two weeks into my new schedule and all is well:)

Here is the line, shape, and primary colors lesson for 1st graders.  Kids practiced on scratch paper first making One Line, with One Shape in it, 3 times on their paper.  Some found this quite difficult.  Encouragement to use most the paper was necessary too, otherwise there were 3 tiny lines and shapes on big piece of paper.
The assignment was to make 3 lines with a shape, then color with primary colors.  Students could darken their black lines if they wished.

Thanks NCCS 1st graders!

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