Friday, July 15, 2011

Van Gogh Chair - 3D

Here's Van Gogh's Chair to go with Van Gogh's Sunflower 3D lesson.  Again, thanks Anne from Use Your Coloured Pencils for inspiring this idea with her Van Gogh Pop-Up Chair lesson.

Each student was given one black paper and 2 white papers.
First step we did was place 2 whites evenly in center of black paper, then folded up the bottom of the papers all at the same time.  (I think the paper was 5x7" and we folded up 3"?)
After that, cut two slits in one white paper on the fold to make pop-up chair seat.
Then we drew and colored chair and background on first white paper, then drew and colored floor and wall on white paper with slits cut for chair.
Then we drew floor and wall on 2nd white paper in area that shows through the back, when white papers are placed on top of one another.
Last, glue white papers onto black background.
 Example of front white paper and background white paper.  Below is what they look like when placed on top of one another.

The little chairs looked so cute on the book shelves in the classroom:)  Thanks bunches Flamson 6th graders!


  1. I just love these! I remember seeing Anne's post and thinking,"I have to try this." Now I am even more motivated!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh YAY! This makes me happy -thanks for posting :)

  3. Your students did a wonderful job with the background.

    What a great idea.

  4. Brilliant idea! I'm going to try this one!

  5. Your idea is showing up all over the web. I think it's even on Pinterest!
    I'm going to try this in the fall with my 5th graders!

  6. Thanks a million for this great idea, I've done it this month of impressionism with my 6years old kids, and they loved it. You can see their works
    they Look wonderful, thanks for sharing!

  7. Thanks a million for this great idea, I've done it this month of impressionism with my 6years old kids, and they loved it. You can see their works
    they Look wonderful, thanks for sharing!


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