Thursday, April 21, 2011

More Bicycle Art

 Here's another bicycle art project inspired by Joel Henriques.  Joel's blog and website can be found in this earlier post on bicycle art projects.
Our steps were:
1.  Draw bicycle on black construction paper with a white oil pastel or crayon.  (Simple bike drawing steps here.)
2.  Glue construction paper scraps to piece of paper creating a "row of colors".  Some kid chose to use cut scraps, and others chose to use "torn" paper scraps.
3.  Cut the row of colors with a paper cutter for a straight edge, or with scissors for non-straight edge.
4.  Glue colored construction strip onto black paper, above or below bicycle.

Here's what the color strip looks like when cut with paper cutter.

Thanks Flamson students!
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. These look so striking with the striped patterns, great idea! :)

  2. Those bikes with the colors are beautiful! My boyfriend does a similar lesson but has them paint a color wheel or sometimes a value scale inside of the bicycle's spokes.

  3. I REALLY love these! What age are these students?

  4. I just love these. I want to make one for myself. I have awarded you the Versatile Blogger award as I really enjoy reading your blog.
    Go to my blog to accept!

  5. Thanks so much Anne for the nice words and award! If you do make one for yourself, please post pics so I can admire & Joel would love to see it too:)

  6. Hi Again Anne,
    Somehow I missed your earlier comment/question.....these kids were 6th graders, sorry it took awhile for me to answer.


Your comments are so appreciated. Thanks!