Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Well it's good to be back!

Phew, sometimes things go a little differently than planned, but all is good in the end. Glad to be back in the blogging world....It's May already - are you madly punching out end of the year lessons, and all the other loveliness that goes along with school in May and June? Seems like I never get a breath this time of year -
Meanwhile, as I was barely breathing on a recent trip to the library, I came across this book. Let's just say I laughed out loud (yep, I accidentally let out an audible guffaw in a public library) when I read the interpretation of "Whistler's Mother".
Here's a new book I'm adding to my favorites: The Cats History of Western Art, by Susan Herbert.
Read this (above), then look at pic (below) -- giggle, giggle.

These are just some of the fun paintings you'll find in this really great book, and the stories that go with them are clever, clever, clever!

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